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Imperative Home Inspection Repairs

estate gate photoMost home inspection will reveal a list of things that need repairs and/or replacements and this is where the second round of negotiations begin.  If you are not buying a brand new home, the home will most likely need some cosmetic touches but this is not where your focus should be. Sellers are usually willing to at least make some changes or improvements to the condition of a home before they sell it, and as long as you feel like you’ve got some bargaining power in terms of your offer, it’s a good idea to see if the seller will take care of at least a few of the problems that your home inspection has shown. Below, you’ll find a list of some of the most common issues you should ask about.

Infestations: Whether you’re talking about termites, rats, bats, squirrels, or any number of other creatures or insects that could be infesting a home, if your home inspection returns results of any type of infestation or pest problem, you can request that the seller take care of this before the home is sold. Although some sellers will be unwilling to do so, most will realize that they probably won’t be able to sell the home until this problem is resolved anyway.

Mold or water damage:  Mold and water damage are both major issues that your seller should be willing to fix before the home is sold. Some types of mold are much more dangerous than others, and if possible, it may be a good idea to find out if the mold in the home is of a dangerous variety or not. Either way, it’s best if you can talk the seller into repairing any water leaks or cleaning up any mold before you sign.

Structural issues:  If the roof or foundation of the home are seriously damaged, you can request that the seller fix these problems before you buy. In some cases, if a home inspection turns up these kinds of problems, the seller may choose to re-list the home on an as-is basis instead, rather than having to fix the structural problems going on. Some sellers, however, will be happy to fix the problems before they sell.

Lead paint and radon levels:  If a home inspection shows high levels of radon or lead paint present in any part of your home, your seller should be notified and you should absolutely request that this be resolved. Although sellers are not required by law to fix either of these problems, they are required to disclose lead paint if they know about it beforehand. Many sellers don’t realize their home has lead paint, and most are willing to take care of it when a home inspection shows that is is present. Radon mitigation is almost always something the seller will need to cover before a home can be sold.

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