North Scottsdale home

How to Keep Your Home Safe When Traveling

North Scottsdale homeWhen you go on vacation, you’re probably caught up in a whirlwind of information you need to keep track of. You want to be sure someone is taking care of your pets, that you have your travel itinerary all under control, that you’ve packed everything you’ll need and that you get to the airport on time if you’re flying. With all these thoughts to worry about, you may find yourself neglecting the house you’ll be leaving behind. Of course, if you’re only going to be gone for a couple of days, there’s not a lot you’ll need to do to take care of your home before travel. However, longer trips mean you’ll need to do some prep work at home before you ever leave.

Leave on Some Lights

It’s always a good idea to leave on a few lights in and around your home while you’ll be gone. Not only will this give the appearance of someone being at home in case any intruders take notice, but also it will make the area outside your home brighter at night too. This will make it more obvious if anyone is trying to sneak inside. If you have motion lights or lights on a timer, be sure to use them while you’re gone, too.

Let the Neighbors Know

Even if you aren’t very close to your neighbors, it’s a good idea to let someone know you’ll be out of town. This way, if your neighbor notices something odd—like a strange car parked in front of your house—they can check in with you and call the proper authorities if it’s necessary, too. You might also want to leave a key with the same neighbor just in case someone needs to be able to get into your house.

Keep the Lawn and Shrubs Trimmed

Make sure your lawn and shrubs are trimmed before you go. If you’ll be gone a long time, schedule someone to come and take care of either or both of these areas while you’re away too. This will make it look like someone is still at home, and it will also make it more difficult for potential intruders to hide behind any unruly shrubs that might have become overgrown while you’re away.

Don’t Post on Social Media

It’s tempting to let everybody know when you’ll be leaving, but remember that anyone can see the posts you make on social media. This includes those you might not want to know you’re away from your home. You can always save your vacation pictures to show off when you get back—and this might make a big difference toward ensuring your home’s safety while you’re gone.

Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be well on your way to a safer experience for your home the next time you travel. Although they’re not a requirement for shorter visits, you can always put them into practice during any trip, regardless of the amount of time you’ll be away.

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