
5 Outdated Real Estate Tips

There are many real estate myths out there that need to be debunked! Here are five pieces of real estate advice to IGNORE:

1) MYTH: Spring is the best time to sell. FACT: The best time to sell is when you’re ready. Don’t rush a major decision when there are perks to selling your home at all times throughout the year.

2) MYTH: FSBO saves you money. FACT: Real estate agents are experienced and knowledgeable about home pricing. A good agent can help you get more ROI on your investment.

3) MYTH: Higher list price = higher offer. FACT: Pricing your home accurately will generate interest among the right buyers, and may even lead to a competitive bid and higher offer price!

4) MYTH: Open houses sell homes. FACT: Open houses can be a helpful tool, but your agent should have a broader marketing strategy that also includes social and digital marketing.

5) MYTH: The first offer is always the best offer. FACT: Lots of factors come into play here — contingencies, closing date, down payment amount. Review all the terms of every offer — don’t just pick the highest offer price.

Have more questions? Give us a call, we are here to help! Give us a call, we are here to help! Chris 480-754-9077 & Cheryl 480-754-9477